Accessibility: Embracing the Carrots!

I (Shawn) sometimes talk about the business case for web accessibility as "3 carrots and a stick"
— and I encourge managers, designers, developers, and everyone to embrace the carrots.
Len Peralta created caricatures of the ConveyUX 2015 conference plenary sessions. Here's a video.
I absolutely love his drawing below!

caricature of shawn hugging large carrots

Example training / conference sessions

Embracing Accessibility - Go for the Carrots (at HighEdWeb)

Accessibility is essential for developers and organizations who want to create high quality websites and Web tools and not exclude people from using your online resources. Web accessibility is getting more attention at universities and colleges recently because of lawsuits. But that's just one aspect. In this session we'll look at the more exciting reasons to embrace accessibility, and how to reap the technical and financial benefits of accessibility. With engaging stories and illustrations, Shawn will offer a different approach to accessibility. Instead of focusing on the stick, go for the delicious carrots motivating accessibility.

Accessibility for the Win: Orchestrating Organizational Buy-In (at ConveyUX)

Imagine an organization where everyone embraces accessibility — where they are committed to making the organization’s website and other ICT accessible to people with disabilities, where they appreciate the additional benefits of accessibility to all users and to the organization, where they approach accessible design as an exciting challenge, where they are proud of their accomplishments in accessibility. In this engaging session you’ll get a vision and practical guidance to help move your organization in that direction.

You’ll learn how to:

Shawn will challenge the way many people think about accessibility, and encourage a different approach. Be inspired with ideas and equipped with advice to instigate organizational change for accessibility success.